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Glow Party Instructions

Glow in the Dark Neon Party Plan (adjust as age appropriate)

  • Music on as soon as set up 
  • Welcome / face painting 10 / 15 minutes max 
  • Give out all 100 glowsticks – gather kids together get them to make bracelets and necklaces whilst sat on the floor 
  • Warm up – shake hands, head, body / legs / feet 
  • Focus game / Glow Queen says 
  • Bubbles – how many can you catch – stop the music (around 3 times) and ask the kids how many they caught
  • Dance game 
  • Game – Musical Statues / Freeze – challenge rounds 
    • Before hand – ask about poses – choose superhero poses, animal poses.  When the music stops you call out a pose or ask the birthday child to choose something to pose as 
    • Dance slow motion / dance fast / dance on your bum / dance backwards / dance like an animal
  • Dance – Your choice (Banana Banana Meatball?) 
  • Follow the leader (age dependent) 
  • Conga to food 


  • Parent brings cake out 20 minutes into food – sing happy birthday 
  • Glow coronation – no oath 
  • Roll up red carpet .  Birthday child on birthday throne, sit kids in a circle and you go round and ask them to say their name and say what they like about the birthday child / their favourite thing 
  • Pass the parcel.  10 layers and each layer has a dare that EVERYONE has to do.
  • Limbo (if time) 
  • Finish with the hokey cokey
  • Before end of party keep the kids in a circle – everyone says thank you and the birthday child says thanks to the guests
  • Birthday child high fives everyone in the circle then it’s time to go home!

Dancing Games / Songs 

Baby Shark 

Super Man Song 

Hokey Cokey 

The Conga 

Cha Cha Slide 

Gangnam Style 


Shake it Off 

Ketchup Song 


Is the the way to Amarillo 


I like to move it move it 


Banana banana meatblall

Superheroes unite

We will rock you


Let it go

Chu chu wa


oops upside your head 

Las ketchup

pizza hut


chocolate chocochoco

time warp

music man



  • Warm up – get them shaking all body parts from feet upwards
  • Warm up game – out an upbeat song on and get them all dancing and clapping along ‘Happy’ is a good one but there may be some updated songs now!
  • Freeze (Musical Statues) as a villain / superhero / Princess 
  • Pass an object round and when the music stops the child has to say something lovely about the birthday child (thanks Emily), you could substitute for a forfeit instead 
  • Focus Games – Simon Says but with your name eg Spider Man Says , Belle Says etc 
  • Head shoulders , knees and toes 
  • Corners – 4 corners and when music stops the kids have the choose a corner 
  • Bubbles – pop the bubble machine on and ask them how many bubbles they can pop – maybe pop the bubbles in the style of the character 
  • Follow the leader – a bit like the conga but the person at the from has to do a move and everyone has to follow – this could be a silly walk or be link an animal – the leader is an elephant / monkey etc .

* Throwing a large ball – a bit like pass the parcel – when anyone catches the ball they have to pull a funny face 

* Teach a simple dance to your characters theme 

* Create your own unicorn / Princess / villain / superhero name

* Dance off – Boys V Girls, team 1 V Team 2, Superheos V Villains

* Remote control game – A bit like musical statues but you get the kids to slow motion, fast forward, rewind 

* Limbo

* Reverse musical bumps – the kids wiggle on the floor on their bums and then when the music stops they have to stand up 

* Scavenger hunt / detectives 

* Photos 

* Villain / Superhero / Princess ceremony 

* Photographs 


* Put the birthday child in the middle and everyone else holds the parachute and runs round therefore spinning the birthday child 

* Popcorn – Put the play balls on and see how high you can get them – then get the kids to chase 

* You could even use a coloured ball as ‘Kryptonite’ 

* All the kids hold the parachute and when a colour is called out they have to run underneath 

* Basic one is to sit on the floor and make waves with the parachute, then getting bigger and bigger (kids should end up stood up) 


Ribbon Dancing (if anyone wants ribbons I can order) 

Catwalk – to show off their moves whilst the Princess / host comperes 

Hula dancing – good for Moana 

Princess Tea Dance – this is a great track featuring all the Princesses so you dance like belle, sweep the floor that sort of thing – I can post links 


Baby Shark 

Super Man Song 

Hokey Cokey 

The Conga 

Cha Cha Slide 

Gangnam Style 


Shake it Off 

Ketchup Song 


Is the the way to Amarillo 


I like to move it move it 

Ghostbusters Animal freeze